Juniper SRX Firewalls
run = used in configure mode to use operational mode commands
run = used in configure mode to use operational mode commands
//Show Routes
show route brief
show route best x.x.x.x
set routing-options static route next-hop
//Forwarding Table
run show route forwarding-table destination x.x.x.x/24
show route brief
show route best x.x.x.x
set routing-options static route next-hop
//Forwarding Table
run show route forwarding-table destination x.x.x.x/24
//TraceOptions settings
root@fw1# show security flow | display set
set security flow traceoptions file matt_trace
set security flow traceoptions file files 3
set security flow traceoptions file size 100000
set security flow traceoptions flag basic-datapath
set security flow traceoptions packet-filter f0 source-prefix destination-prefix
set security flow traceoptions packet-filter f1 source-prefix destination-prefix
activate security flow traceoptions
monitor start matt_trace
monitor list
root@fw1# show security flow | display set
set security flow traceoptions file matt_trace
set security flow traceoptions file files 3
set security flow traceoptions file size 100000
set security flow traceoptions flag basic-datapath
set security flow traceoptions packet-filter f0 source-prefix destination-prefix
set security flow traceoptions packet-filter f1 source-prefix destination-prefix
activate security flow traceoptions
monitor start matt_trace
monitor list
!! Kill the capture
monitor stop
clear log !! Clear the log file
delete security flow traceoptions
file delete
monitor stop
clear log
delete security flow traceoptions
file delete
//Show Traceoptions
show security flow session source-prefix destination-prefix
start shell
show security flow session source-prefix destination-prefix
start shell
egrep ‘matched filter|(ge|fe|reth)-.*->.*|session found|create session|dst_xlate|routed|search|denied|src_xlate|outgoing phy if’ /var/log/matt_trace | sed -e ‘s/.*RT://g’ | sed -e ‘s/tcp, flag 2 syn/–TCP SYN–/g’ | sed -e ‘s/tcp, flag 12 syn ack/–TCP SYN\/ACK–/g’ | sed -e ‘s/tcp, flag 10/–TCP ACK–/g’ | sed -e ‘s/tcp, flag 4 rst/–TCP RST–/g’ | sed -e ‘s/tcp, flag 14 rst/–TCP RST\/ACK–/g’ | sed -e ‘s/tcp, flag 18/–TCP PUSH\/ACK–/g’ | sed -e ‘s/tcp, flag 11 fin/–TCP FIN\/ACK–/g’ | sed -e ‘s/tcp, flag 5/–TCP FIN\/RST–/g’ | sed -e ‘s/icmp, (0\/0)/–ICMP Echo Reply–/g’ | sed -e ‘s/icmp, (8\/0)/–ICMP Echo Request–/g’ | sed -e ‘s/icmp, (3\/0)/–ICMP Destination Unreachable–/g’ | sed -e ‘s/icmp, (11\/0)/–ICMP Time Exceeded–/g’ | awk ‘/matched/ {print “\n\t\t\t=== PACKET START ===”}; {print};’
//Show Sessions
run show security flow session destination-prefix x.x.x.x
run show security flow session destination-prefix x.x.x.x
//Match Policy
run show security match-policies from-zone zonea to-zone zoneb source-ip x.x.x.x destination-ip x.x.x.x protocol tcp source-port 1024 destination-port xx
run show security match-policies from-zone zonea to-zone zoneb source-ip x.x.x.x destination-ip x.x.x.x protocol tcp source-port 1024 destination-port xx
//Check for Block Group
show security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust | display set | grep deny
show security policies from-zone untrust to-zone trust | display set | grep deny
//Find Syntax for an Existing Command
show | display set | xxxxxxxxx
show | display set | xxxxxxxxx
//VPN Troubleshooting
show security ike security-associations [index] [detail]
show security ipsec security-associations [index] [detail]
show security ipsec statistics [index]
show security ike security-associations [index
show security ipsec security-associations [index
show security ipsec statistics [index
//Set proxy ID’s for a route based tunnel
set security ipsec vpn vpn-name ike proxy-identity local remote service any
//Set proxy ID’s for a route based tunnel
set security ipsec vpn vpn-name ike proxy-identity local remote service any
//Packet Capture
set security datapath-debug capture-file my-capture
set security datapath-debug capture-file format pcap
set security datapath-debug capture-file size 1m
set security datapath-debug capture-file files 5
set security datapath-debug maximum-capture-size 400
set security datapath-debug action-profile do-capture event np-ingress packet-dump
set security datapath-debug packet-filter my-filter action-profile do-capture
set security datapath-debug packet-filter my-filter source-prefix
set security datapath-debug capture-file my-capture
set security datapath-debug capture-file format pcap
set security datapath-debug capture-file size 1m
set security datapath-debug capture-file files 5
set security datapath-debug maximum-capture-size 400
set security datapath-debug action-profile do-capture event np-ingress packet-dump
set security datapath-debug packet-filter my-filter action-profile do-capture
set security datapath-debug packet-filter my-filter source-prefix
//Super SRX Packet Capture Filter
egrep ‘matched filter|(ge|fe|reth ) -.*- > .*|session found|Session \(id|session id|create|dst_nat|chose interface|dst_xlate|routed|search|denied|src_xlate|dip id|outgoing phy if|route to|DEST|post’ /var/log/mchtrace | uniq | sed -e ‘s/.*RT://g’ | awk ‘/matched/ {print “\n\t\t\t=== PACKET START ===”} ; {print} ;’ | awk ‘/^$/ {print “\t\t\t=== PACKET END ===”}; {print};’ ; echo | awk ‘/^$/ {print “\t\t\t=== PACKET END ===”}; {print};’
egrep ‘matched filter|(ge|fe|reth ) -.*- > .*|session found|Session \(id|session id|create|dst_nat|chose interface|dst_xlate|routed|search|denied|src_xlate|dip id|outgoing phy if|route to|DEST|post’ /var/log/mchtrace | uniq | sed -e ‘s/.*RT://g’ | awk ‘/matched/ {print “\n\t\t\t=== PACKET START ===”} ; {print} ;’ | awk ‘/^$/ {print “\t\t\t=== PACKET END ===”}; {print};’ ; echo | awk ‘/^$/ {print “\t\t\t=== PACKET END ===”}; {print};’
// Policy commands
show | display set (shows policy)
set system syslog
set security log
set interfaces ge-0/0/3 gigether-options auto-negotation (redundant-parent)
set security policies from-zone xxx to-zone xxx policy policy_name match
set security zones security-zone untrust address-book address
set security nat source rule-set zone-to-zone rule rule-source-nat match source-address
set routing-instances
set applications
set system syslog
set security log
set interfaces ge-0/0/3 gigether-options auto-negotation (redundant-parent)
set security policies from-zone xxx to-zone xxx policy policy_name match
set security zones security-zone untrust address-book address
set security nat source rule-set zone-to-zone rule rule-source-nat match source-address
set routing-instances
set applications
set security ike proposal
set security ike policy
set security ike gateway
set security ipsec proposal
set security ipsec policy
set security ipsec vpn
set security ike policy
set security ike gateway
set security ipsec proposal
set security ipsec policy
set security ipsec vpn
commit check
commit comments ticket#2222 and-quit
commit check
commit comments ticket#2222 and-quit
set security policies from-zone dmz to-zone trust policy 12 match source-address h_10.124.0.1 destination-address h_1.2.3.4 application tcp_22
set security policies from-zone dmz to-zone trust policy 12 then permit
set security policies from-zone dmz to-zone trust policy 12 then log session-init session-close
set security policies from-zone dmz to-zone trust policy 12 then permit
set security policies from-zone dmz to-zone trust policy 12 then log session-init session-close
+ match {
+ source-address h_10.124.0.1;
+ destination-address h_1.2.3.4;
+ application tcp_22;
+ }
+ then {
+ permit;
+ log {
+ session-init;
+ session-close;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ source-address h_10.124.0.1;
+ destination-address h_1.2.3.4;
+ application tcp_22;
+ }
+ then {
+ permit;
+ log {
+ session-init;
+ session-close;
+ }
+ }
+ }
show system uptime | Uptime |
show version | Version of platform (host/model) |
show chassis firmware | Firmware loaded on FPCs |
show system software detail | |
show chassis routing-engine | CPU, Memory for Routing-Engine |
show chassis fan | Speed and status of fans |
show chassis environment | Temperature status of components |
show chassis hardware detail | Hardware inventory (backplane) |
show system core-dumps | Core-dumps |
show system alarms | System alarms |
show chassis alarms | Alarms for hardware and chassis |
show system boot-messages | Logs from boot sequence |
show log chassisd | Logs for SRX chassis (Cards) |
show log messages | Recent system messages |
show configuration security log | Syslog configuration |
show system buffers | Utilization of memory buffers |
show system virtual-memory | Virtual memory utilization |
show system processes | Processes running on system |
show security idp memory | IDP memory statistics |
show security monitoring performance session | Session counts on each FPC |